Meenan P.A. served as the general counsel to the Guaranteed Asset Protection Alliance, and has both drafted and implemented the significant changes to statutes and rules governing guaranteed asset protection (GAP) products throughout the United States for the past several years. We represent insurers, administrators, manufacturers, and retailers regarding their specific GAP regulatory matters.
We work closely with a wide range of entities that offer GAP coverage, including but not limited to:
- Insurance companies
- Auto dealerships
- Credit unions
- Financial institutions
- Supplemental auto-related product providers
- Direct consumer warranty companies
- And much more
Our extensive insurance and general regulatory background gives us the experience and in-depth knowledge necessary to assist Guaranteed Asset Protection programs in achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance, but that is only the beginning of what we have to offer. Our firm also provides GAP regulation counseling, ranging from providing a brief understanding of existing state regulations applicable to the industry, to a full-scale compliance program which includes:
- State licensure or registration and an analysis of all GAP-related materials
- Form review and filing
- Preparation of contracts
Additionally, through our representation of past and existing firm clients, we have a longstanding network of contacts within the staff of each state agency charged with regulating the guaranteed asset protection industry. This has proven to be an invaluable resource in securing regulatory positions and/or successfully resolving outstanding regulatory issues.
Our firm assists many clients regarding the sale of insurance and related products in a retail environment. The laws and regulations affecting these programs are often vaguely written and their application is not always clear. Meenan P.A. not only develops effective compliance strategies for these and other evolving product offerings, but we actively strive to obtain specific rules and statues for the GAP industry leveraging our ample Legislative and Executive lobbying experience.