
Category: Lobbying

Property Insurance Special Session 2022D – Legislative Update

By Tim Meenan, Dan Olson & Joy Ryan Meenan Law Firm   The Florida Legislature met in special session from May 23 – 25, 2022, to address the affordability and availability of residential property insurance as well as condominium law reforms related to the Surfside condo collapse.  The Legislature passed

Tim Meenan Presented with herb Morgan Award of Excellence

NAIFA-Florida CEO Tom Ashley announced that Tim Meenan was presented with one of the organization’s highest awards, the Herb Morgan Award of Excellence.  Named after former State Representative Herb Morgan, who represented Tallahassee in the Florida Legislature and later went on to be NAIFA-Florida’s CEO and lobbyist, it is given

Commissioner McCarty Announces Resignation

Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty announced today that he will be resigning effective May 2, 2016.  McCarty has served as commissioner for 12 years. “I am looking forward to exploring new opportunities that will allow me to use the skills, knowledge and expertise I’ve gained as Insurance Commissioner. In the