
Category: Service Contract Law

Bigger and Bolder: Font Requirements for Service Contracts and Warranties

Sometimes it’s not just what you say, but how big you say it—at least when it comes to service contracts and warranties.  While most states’ service contract and vehicle protection products (VPP) warranty laws have similar language for required disclosures in the terms and conditions, some states require unique formatting

12 States Amend Vehicle Service Contract Laws in 2019

2019 was a busy legislative year in the vehicle service contract and vehicle protection product warranty industry with 12 states passing legislation directly affecting the laws regulating these products. Below is a brief summary of the major changes made in each of these states; however, there may be other nuances

Coins stacked next to wooden house

Tim Meenan quoted in The Mortgage Reports

Tim Meenan and SCIC are quoted in The Mortgage Reports on the difference between homeowners’ insurance and a home warranty.  The posting, written by a nationally syndicated real estate writer, discusses what a home warranty is and how it can benefit both the buyer and seller of a home. link

Man ripping up insurance contract.

Regulatory Compliance in the Age of Disruption

Meenan P.A. has assisted many clients with developing alternate plans for insurance regulatory compliance throughout the country.  When insurance programs were developing a decade ago for wireless devices and phones, Meenan P.A. helped construct and implement a compliance regimen allowing the sale of insurance at thousands of retail outlets without

Nashville Skyline

Tim Meenan to Serve as Chairman of Service Contract Summit

Tim Meenan will Chair the proceedings and be one of the featured speakers at the 7th Annual Extended Warranty and Service Contract Innovations Summit held September 28-30 in beautiful downtown Nashville. Tim will discuss new developments at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as well as recent state legislation covering service

Automotive News

Tim Meenan quoted in Automotive News Article

Hannah Lutz published and article in Automotive News entitled Another Reason to Pitch the Value of Service Contracts.   Lutz cites a recent survey conducted by AutoMD which found 74% of respondents said the cost of replacement parts would effect their vehicle purchase decisions. The article quotes Tim Meenan who suggest dealers

Man and woman shopping for washing machine.

Tim Meenan Quoted in Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Article

Kiplinger just published an article entitled “7 Things You Must Know About Warranties on Appliances: Should you pay for extended protection on your home appliances?”   Yikes! Your new stove is electronic. You could play the odds You may already be covered. Ask who does the work. Check out the upstarts.

ATV Service Contracts: Motor Vehicles or Consumer Goods?

Is an all-terrain vehicle (“ATV”) a motor vehicle?  In the most literal sense the answer is “yes,” but in the context of ATV service contracts the best answer is “it depends.” In some states the term “motor vehicle” is defined to expressly include ATVs (e.g., California and Colorado).  Other states take