
Tim Meenan to Serve as Chairman of Service Contract Summit

Tim Meenan will Chair the proceedings and be one of the featured speakers at the 7th Annual Extended Warranty and Service Contract Innovations Summit held September 28-30 in beautiful downtown Nashville.

Tim will discuss new developments at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as well as recent state legislation covering service contracts.

The conference covers best business practices for companies providing warranties and service contracts to customers.

Tim’s talk will allow you to learn what changes state legislatures are bringing to the service contract industry as relevant bills have been raised in over 20 states this year.

At the federal level, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau continues to re-shape the automobile finance and consumer lending arena.  Ancillary Products are being discussed at the CFPB.  Learn the latest Federal issues affecting service contracts and other ancillary products.  Is your company ready?

The conference will be held at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel.  To learn more and register visit www.warrantyinnovations.com.