

“Back to School Bash” benefiting Boys Town of North Florida

Tim Meenan, James Ross and the rest of the Meenan Team partnered with the Administrative Law Section of the Florida Bar to host the inaugural “Back to School Bash” to benefit Boys Town of North Florida, a national organization that assists at-risk children.  All told we raised more than $300

Timothy Meenan with woman receiving award.

Meenan Presents Insurance Commissioner Resolution to Guaranty Fund Director

Sandy Robinson, President of American Guaranty Fund Group, and Executive Director of Florida Insurance Guaranty Association, receiving a resolution issued by Florida Insurance Commissioner David Altmaier lauding her 30 years work in the insurance and guaranty fund industry’s. Presenting along with Tim Meenan is Kimberly Blackburn, FIGA Chair, and Tom

Scales of Justice

Assignment of Benefits Ruling

The Florida Fifth District Court of Appeal, in Daytona, affirmed the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) denial of an insurer’s proposed form that required a mortgage holder to consent to an assignment of benefits under an insurance policy.   Security First Insurance Co., v. Florida Office of Ins. Regul., Case

Timothy Meenan speaking at event.

Tim Meenan Emcees Chamber of Commerce Insurance Summit

Tim Meenan served as MC for the Chamber of Commerce Insurance Summit on November 3.  The Summit dove into many issues including Workers Comp reform, eliminating assignment of benefits forms in property insurance, the availability of reinsurance in Florida, and other key topics.

Coins stacked next to wooden house

Tim Meenan quoted in The Mortgage Reports

Tim Meenan and SCIC are quoted in The Mortgage Reports on the difference between homeowners’ insurance and a home warranty.  The posting, written by a nationally syndicated real estate writer, discusses what a home warranty is and how it can benefit both the buyer and seller of a home. link

Tim Meenan to Serve as Moderator at Service Contract Summit

Tim Meenan will serve as moderator at the 8th Annual Extended Warranty and Service Contract Innovations Summit held September 13-15 in at the Renaissance Nashville Hotel. Tim’s talk will include an update on the numerous changes state legislatures made with respect to the service contract industry. The conference covers best business practices

Karl Rasmussen

Meenan P.A. Announces the Hiring of Karl Rasmussen

Tallahassee, Florida. – Meenan P.A., a full service Tallahassee regulatory, legislative, and litigation law firm, today announced the hiring of Karl Rasmussen to join their Governmental Relations team. Karl Rasmussen currently serves as Deputy Chief of Staff for Governor Rick Scott.  Karl has also served in roles as the Assistant

Alan Williams

Tallahassee Democrat Article About Alan Williams Joining Meenan P.A.

From the Tallahassee Democrat: Former state Rep kwoy4vl. Alan Williams has found a home at governmental relations and lobbying law firm Meenan P.A. The firm announced that Williams, who served eight years in the House before running unsuccessfully last year for supervisor of elections, will focus on local government and legislative

Alan Williams

Former State Representative Alan Williams Joins Meenan P.A.

Meenan P.A. announced today that Former State Representative Alan Williams is joining their firm. Williams will initially focus on local government, and legislative work in states other than Florida. First elected in November 2008 to the Florida House of Representatives by the voters of District 8, encompassing parts of Leon