
Florida Governor’s Race Deadlocked, According To Saint Leo University Polling Institute

SAINT LEO, Fla., June 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Governor Rick Scott and former Governor Charlie Crist are locked in a statistical tie, according to a new poll by the Saint Leo Polling Institute. Scott leads Crist, 43-41 percent, among likely voters according to the poll, which is within the poll’s margin of error. The remaining 16 percent of voters are undecided. The race should be considered a statistical tie.

Scott’s situation has gradually improved over the past six months. A January Saint Leo

University poll had Crist ahead, 46-34 percent. In March, Crist’s lead was 43-39 percent – a statistical tie. “For the first time since the poll’s inception, Rick Scott has edged out Charlie Crist,” said Frank Orlando, instructor of political science at Saint Leo University. “Scott and Crist are locked in a war of attrition; voters aren’t in love with either one of them,” stated Orlando.

Scott’s job approval rating among all voters is split at 46 percent approval, 46 percent disapproval. Scott and Crist have…

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