Wherever you turn in the business and technology media, the talk is all about the next disruption buy generic accutane. In the beginning, there was Google and Amazon. More recently, there’s been Facebook and social media platforms. Insurance has managed to sidestep most of these early forces of radical change by doing what it does best: limiting risk and staying the course. But now, with ground-rumbling shifts that can only mean more upheaval of traditional business models across the board, the insurance industry is facing some very real disruptors it can no longer ignore—and in some situations, is actually doing the disrupting itself.
The big five disruptors are agency displacement, monitoring technology, the blurring of financial services, the regulatory environment and demographics. Not only does each of these drivers have a profound impact on the insurance industry at large, but there are very specific implications for the property and casualty insurance sector.
For entire article: .pdf | Property Casualty 360