
Office Urges Consumers Looking to Compare Prices for Medicare Supplement Policies to Search CHOICES

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation wants to remind consumers aged 65 or older who may be considering the purchase of a Medicare Supplement policy (also known as Medigap) during the current Medicare Advantage open enrollment period to search the CHOICES system at http://www.floir.com/choices.aspx. Medicare Supplement policies pay for medical charges and expenses such as deductibles and co-insurance costs that Medicare does not reimburse.

The Medicare Supplement tool within CHOICES allows consumers to select options and enter specific criteria for calculating sample annual premium amounts for participating health insurance companies offering these plans in any Florida county. A search includes entering information about a consumer’s age, gender, insurance type, county zip code and the type of plan.

The Office has recently incorporated revised rates into the CHOICES system for health insurance companies representing more than 80% of the Medicare Supplement market.

The rest of the press release can be read here or at the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation website.